Marketing News
Tips On Creating a Growth Mindset
Learn from Your Mistakes Your natural inclination might be to run away from your mistakes or bury your head in the sand to hide from failures but…
Refuse to Live With Regrets
This is probably the most important section of this lesson. Unless you refuse to live in the past, dwelling on your mistakes you are going to be…
Helping Others Bounce Back
Helping Others Bounce Back (OR Not Make The Same Mistakes You Made) You have made some mistakes in your life, right? It happens, and there is…
From Mistakes to Products
It’s A Mistake!! No, It’s A It is my hope that by reading about some of these famous mistakes, you might learn that mistakes are not always…
Product Creation
Tips On Creating a Growth Mindset
Learn from Your Mistakes Your natural inclination might be to run away from your mistakes or bury your head in the sand to hide from failures but the best thing you can do is to learn from your mistakes. Identify what went well and what contributed to the failure and look for opportunities to establish…
Refuse to Live With Regrets
This is probably the most important section of this lesson. Unless you refuse to live in the past, dwelling on your mistakes you are going to be stuck or at best move forward at a very slow pace. Once you realize you are going to make mistakes you need to own up to them when…
Helping Others Bounce Back
Helping Others Bounce Back (OR Not Make The Same Mistakes You Made) You have made some mistakes in your life, right? It happens, and there is nothing you can do to change the fact that you made them. You can try to take steps to make up for them. But, they are there to…
From Mistakes to Products
It’s A Mistake!! No, It’s A It is my hope that by reading about some of these famous mistakes, you might learn that mistakes are not always fatal or even a bad thing. Did you know there are common products you are highly familiar with that came about by mistake? These are products that came…
Are Mistakes Always Bad?
Some people will say all mistakes are bad and some people will say if they are mistakes, they aren’t bad. The truth, I believe, comes somewhere in the middle. If you make a mistake that causes someone pain that, in anyone’s book is a bad mistake. If, on the other hand, you make a mistake…
How Do You Define Your What?
So, now that you know you need to define your why, let’s get to the next part of this lesson. As seniors, we have a lot of life experience as well as corporate work world experience locked inside our heads. That means there is a lot of information in our memory banks that will help…